Obtaining A Report

  • Obtain A Quotation For A Pension Sharing Report

    The easiest way to obtain a quotation for a Pension Sharing Report is to use our online Obtain A Quote facility since it is simple, quick, enables you to provide the salient case details efficiently and provides you with an instant estimated fee range.

  • Data Collection Of Pension Information

    A Pension Sharing report cannot be prepared until you have provided all of the required pension data. There are formal requests that need to be made of a pension scheme in connection with divorce proceedings.

  • Timescales For A Pension Sharing Report

    Once you have provided all of the information required for a Pension Sharing report then Collins Pension Actuaries will provide you with an estimated timescale for the preparation of the report.

  • Payment Of Fees

    The fees for a Pension Sharing report are required to be paid prior to the report being issued. Accordingly, it is recommended that once you have agreed to the fixed fee quotation that the required fees are set aside so that the report can be promptly issued once completed.

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